Resolve of Steel is just around the corner – very excited!

Well, I’m so grateful to the readers who have picked up a copy of War Without Honor in the past three weeks…it’s been a great first month so far!  But, I am in final editing of Book 2 Resolve of Steel and man, it really keeps the action moving!  Tom Halloran and crew face new challenges as they try to (literally) navigate a galaxy and opposite factions within humanity in their quest to return to Earth.  Resolve of Steel launches on April 5th and the pre-orders are coming steadily in – thank you so much.  As I look to the dramatic conclusion of the first trilogy in the series, I’m salivating at the plot blossoming inside my devious little head.  Um, more later.

Halloran’s War Progress Update

Folks have been asking me about where I’m at with my new time travel military sci-fi series entitled “Halloran’s War.”

I’m in a good place. Just not moving too fast…

Halloran's War Series by J.R. Geoghan

Book One “War Without Honor” is almost ready for release – I expect it to be published by the end of this month.  Book Two is well under way and the story of Captain Halloran and crew has really heated up!  I’ve got my outline of Book Three ready and am excited to lay down the dramatic conclusion to Halloran’s first big adventure.

Keep an eye out for more updates!

– JR

First Look – Book One Of My New Science Fiction Series!

Book one of my new science fiction series – Halloran’s War – is in production and book two underway!  I hope to launch the series in January with the first three titles.  I’m having a blast writing science fiction.

I’m getting excited to share the storyline with you but…not yet!  But, I CAN’T RESIST sharing the cover of book one:

The artwork for my series has been a collaboration with talented German artist Thomas Budach.  These covers are simply awesome! So much thanks to him for making my stories come alive.

Keep an eye out in November for more details on Halloran’s War.

Interested in being a beta reader for my new science fiction series?  Let me know!

Subscriber Bonus Story – The Ghost of Tom Summers

Hi all, I just finished a new Chris Carter short story – an “Immortal War Series Snippet” entitled “The Ghost of Tom Summers.” It was a blast to write and fun to find myself sitting in the Konacup Coffee Shop once again, looking on as the residents of Julian parade through Chris’ life over a few days in October 2008. The story takes place during the time frame of “Swords of Flame” with no references to the events of Books Two or Three.

Mayor Bill Thomason has finally roped Chris into attending a Julian Town Council meeting, but he also wants the retired Army Sergeant to check out the old Summers place just over the hill from his own house, because he’s been hearing from residents about a “ghost” prowling around the still-unfixed home that Chris had a hand in blowing up! That evening, Chris and Officer Sarah Medina stop out to the Summers house to see what they can find.

As noted in the title of this post, “The Ghost of Tom Summers” is a bonus story for my reader community only – so if you want a copy, hop over and sign up now.  And enjoy!  I feel a few more “Snippets” coming on over the summer…

Immortal War Series Book Three is now available on pre-order for $2.99!

Very excited to bring to you the next adventure in the Immortal War Series of action fantasy.  In this tale we turn to the backstory of one Travis Moore – a perennial nineteen-year-old featured in “Swords of Flame” – book one of the series.  His journey of discovery spans the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and is not without great loss and tragedy…

I’m looking forward to bringing this novel to you on February 28th – in the meantime you can reserve your copy at Amazon at any time this month for the reduced price of $2.99.

Don’t forget, I will be very appreciative of your support by joining my online community – I promise to send infrequent-but-useful updates, special offers and witty humor! (Well, maybe just a little of the humor…)



The Babylon Revenge is almost here! Want to help?

This has been an exciting week working on final prep for the launch of book two in the Altan Series – The Babylon Revenge!  My expectation is to release it this coming weekend on Amazon… and even better, the first draft of book three is done!

If you’re a reader, I’m looking for some folks to read and review The Babylon Revenge once it goes live online for sale.  If you’re ready, please sign up here to join my online community of readers. Be sure to reply to my welcome email with your willingness to help with reviews.

Thanks so much to everybody for your wonderful support of my writing!