Subscriber Bonus Story – The Ghost of Tom Summers

Hi all, I just finished a new Chris Carter short story – an “Immortal War Series Snippet” entitled “The Ghost of Tom Summers.” It was a blast to write and fun to find myself sitting in the Konacup Coffee Shop once again, looking on as the residents of Julian parade through Chris’ life over a few days in October 2008. The story takes place during the time frame of “Swords of Flame” with no references to the events of Books Two or Three.

Mayor Bill Thomason has finally roped Chris into attending a Julian Town Council meeting, but he also wants the retired Army Sergeant to check out the old Summers place just over the hill from his own house, because he’s been hearing from residents about a “ghost” prowling around the still-unfixed home that Chris had a hand in blowing up! That evening, Chris and Officer Sarah Medina stop out to the Summers house to see what they can find.

As noted in the title of this post, “The Ghost of Tom Summers” is a bonus story for my reader community only – so if you want a copy, hop over and sign up now.  And enjoy!  I feel a few more “Snippets” coming on over the summer…

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