Immortal War Series Book Three is now available on pre-order for $2.99!

Very excited to bring to you the next adventure in the Immortal War Series of action fantasy.  In this tale we turn to the backstory of one Travis Moore – a perennial nineteen-year-old featured in “Swords of Flame” – book one of the series.  His journey of discovery spans the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and is not without great loss and tragedy…

I’m looking forward to bringing this novel to you on February 28th – in the meantime you can reserve your copy at Amazon at any time this month for the reduced price of $2.99.

Don’t forget, I will be very appreciative of your support by joining my online community – I promise to send infrequent-but-useful updates, special offers and witty humor! (Well, maybe just a little of the humor…)



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